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Breast Thermography


Did you know more than 60 million women age 25-79 do not get screening exams for breast health? Share this valuable information with the women in your life today and SAVE A LIFE!

Since 1972, Therma-Scan Reference Laboratory under the direction of
Dr. Philip Hoekstra III PhD., is the leader in delivering lifesaving Thermology solutions to physicians and their valued partners.  Dr. Hoekstra is fellowship trained and Board-Certified in Oncology, Vascular Medicine and Neuroscience by the American Board of Thermology. Therma-Scan alone has analyzed well over one million studies.
In 2018 Therma-Scan Reference Laboratory relocated the interpretation aspect of the firm to Arizona, and in 2019 Therma-Scan of Michigan was created to continue to offer the highest quality scans and the interpretation services of Dr. Hoekstra and Therma-Scan Reference Laboratory here in Michigan.



During your appointment a thermology technician will review your breast-related medical history and thoroughly explain the screening process which will take approximately 30 minutes.


Step One: Disrobed from the waist up you sit behind a screen for 15 minutes for an acclimation period, during which time we will review your breast-related medical history.


Step Two:  Three images will be taken.


Step Three:  Your hands will be submerged in cool water for one minute. This is referred to as the Autonomic Challenge or cold stress test.


Step Four: Three final images are taken.


Step One: The acclimation period is vital allowing the body to reach a steady temperature state in equilibrium with the very special temperature conditions of the room.


Step Two: You will be guided to turn in each direction for us to take an infra-red image of your left and right side and then looking straight at the camera.


Step Three: The Autonomic Challenge (cold-water stress test), also considered a functional test, is vital for an accurate and specialized scan. Therma-Scan surpasses industry standard with this specialized part of the scan.


In the breast tissue the vascular structures (blood vessels) are close to the surface. This test challenges the blood vessels to contract. Healthy vessels will contract for a period of time after you submerge your hands in cold water. Unhealthy vessels (those at their earliest stages of development or that grow to "feed" a disease) do not contract.


In addition, when there is a developing cancer there is evidence of nitric oxide which causes blood vessels to expand, thereby "feeding the disease". Both of these mechanisms of a disease process require the unparalleled expertise of the Therma-Scan- trained thermologists with a second reading by Dr. Philip Hoekstra for all breast scans. Dr. Hoekstra is our Science Clinic Director and has personally read over a million scans. You can read more about this "functional" process on our Why Thermography page, the Procedure/Cold Stress Test page, and the FAQs, as well as learn how other breast testing is designed for dsicoverying "structure" which is a later stage of breast changes. A change in the physiology (function) is always preceded by any structure changes.


Step Four: A second set of pictures is performed within a very specific parameter of time to take advantage of the cold water stress test.


Confirmation Email & "Clinical" Email:  When you make your appointment, we send you two emails, a confirmation email with the details of your appointment and a second email that will contain two links, one for you to complete a case history online at Therma-Scan Reference Laboratory's secure server. As thermology is an in-depth evaluation of the levels, patterns and behavior of the skin's temperature to achieve a meaningful evaluation, you should avoid conditions that would cause adverse influences.  Thus the second link is for our "Preparation Instructions" which explains what conditions to avoid primarily starting three days prior to your scheduled appointment. 




infra-red therma breast image

Less false negative results & less false positive results with Thermography: your first and best choice for the earliest possible breast screening.

According to ARUP Technologies, University of Utah national reference laboratory:

“Laboratory tests are characterized by their ability to detect a positive case (sensitivity) and their ability to determine a negative case (specificity). So a sensitive test is less likely to provide a false-negative result and a specific test is less likely to provide a false-positive result.” Therma-Scan Reference Laboratory has consistently produced sensitivity over 90% and specificity over 90%, both statistically higher than mammography.

We've got your breast health covered!
When it come to breast HEALTH
we've got you covered!

A copy of your report is mailed to you and your physician (MD or DO) of choice. Why? We want to ensure were a medical test such as ultrasound, MRI or even a mammogram necessary for follow-up, you are protected in having your physician aware of your results.

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