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Therma-Scan is UNIQUE

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We use state-of-the-art radiometric cameras rather than inferior "imaging" cameras where computer software must separately analyze for only "hot spots". Radiometric cameras on the other hand precisely measure within 1/100th of a degree with the technology built directly into the camera. Other companies use words such as pixels, or perhaps 100 strategic points. Yes, compare that to every 1/100th of a degree and you will choose Therma-Scan Reference Laboratory, Mesa, AZ and their network of associated offices and physicians across the U.S. and Canada.

We do NOT use European, Contact or Regulation equipment!

Other companies do not do the cold-water stress test, a vital half of your results.

Therma-Scan Reference Laboratory has been the foremost
Innovator and interpreter of the autonomic challenge referred to as the cold-water stress test. This test is VITAL for an accurate scan and is rarely performed by other interpretation companies due to the extensive training and experience necessary for accurate interpretation.

Results are a four-step process unique to Therma-Scan.

Scroll down to learn more about each of these.

The Autonomic Challenge (cold-water stress test)

The cold-water stress test and the expertise of Therma-Scan Reference Laboratory in interpreting this test sets the highest standards in medical breast thermography, and raises the bar in terms of all other interpretation companies! Also considered a functional test, it is vital for an accurate and specialized scan.  In the breast tissue the vascular structure (blood vessels) are close to the surface. This test challenges the blood vessels to contract. Healthy vessels will contract for a period of time after you submerge your hands in cold water. Unhealthy vessels (those at their earliest stages of development or that grow to "feed" a disease) do not contract. In addition, when there is a developing cancer there is evidence of nitric oxide which causes blood vessels to expand, thereby "feeding the disease". Both of these mechanisms of a disease process require the unparalleled expertise of the Therma-Scan- trained thermologists with a second reading by Dr. Philip Hoekstra for all breast scans. Dr. Hoekstra is our Science Clinic Director and has personally read over a million scans. Again, you can read more about this "functional" process on our SERVICSE page and also WHY THERMOGRAPHY as well as the FAQs, and how other breast tests are structured to find later stage breast changes which are structural changes. Why thermography: a change in the physiology (function) is always preceded by any structure changes.

See our Services page to learn more


Infrared Camera

Surpassing standard of care technical guidelines, Adelpha Thermography uses a quantitative, radiometric camera with 640 x 480 pixel IR resolution providing 4X the usable spatial resolution and greater thermal resolution than the current industry standard. Unlike imaging cameras currently in “vogue”, pre and post comparisons are more accurate as our state-of-the-art cameras convert the captured infrared image to temperature readings, rather than additional computer programs making the conversion. Thus every pixel has its own temperature reading with the higher number of image bits producing a more precise reading. Reports are analyzed within 1/100 of a degree.


Radiometric cameras are far superior to some in vogue equipment being so-called introduced recently which are actually based on principles that are 40 years disproven: European, Contact or Regulation thermography. These are not imaging modalities and are speculative. Oftentimes they are dependent on the skill of the practitioner especially when utilizing acupuncture points. These points vary slightly with each individual thus a "cook book" approach to the specific points is ineffective very often.



Reports are generated by Therma-Scan Reference Laborary, LLC in Mesa, AZ utilizing critical protocols encompassing a four step analysis of pattern recognition, temperature differential, response to autonomic challenge and time-based evolution. Reports are mailed to the primary care physician and the individual generally within 10 business days. Therma-Scan generates quantitative reports with the Marseille grading system. Noteworthy is how our Thermologists are trained. There are many interpretation companies worldwide who primarily offer seminars as well as selling their own equipment. Therma-Scan has one function only and that is to interpret your personalized scans. We do not hire individuals who may have had a weekend seminar. Rather Therma-Scan Reference Laboratory has stringent qualifications for hiring and each Thermologist is then instructed in an additional three month intensive process. Adequate training is accomplished after one year apprenticeship under the tutilage of Dr. Philip Hoekstra. For more information on the quantitative Marseille grading system see:  How to Interpret Your Report.

 © 2019 Therma-Scan of Michigan, LLC. All Rights Strictly Reserved Worldwide. No images or text in this site may be reproduced in part or whole in ANY format, electronic or printed without the expressed, prior and written approval of Therma-Scan of Michigan, LLC.

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